West Blockhouse Fort
West Blockhouse Fort

West Blockhouse Fort / built over an older fortification / a fortified gun tower
dating from 1542 ?.
Present Fort - 1857 / 6 guns enbarbette / 2 storey barracks for 35 men /
Open Battery of 5 Guns from 1900's on high ground above fort /
searchlight battery lower down / fort now a Landmark Trust Property .
Nearby are the Modern Transit towers for ships navigating Milford Havern /
with markers / lights / radar beacons / fog horn

Ref: 6971

Date: 10/05/2010

Location: From a boat

West Blockhouse Fort

West Blockhouse Fort / built over an older fortification / a fortified gun tower
dating from 1542 ?.
Present Fort - 1857 / 6 guns enbarbette / 2 storey barracks for 35 men /
Open Battery of 5 Guns from 1900's on high ground above fort /
searchlight battery lower down / fort now a Landmark Trust Property .
Nearby are the Modern Transit towers for ships navigating Milford Havern /
with markers / lights / radar beacons / fog horn

Ref: 6971

Date: 10/05/2010

Location: From a boat