Fonleif Hir Standing Stones -2
Fonleif Hir Standing Stones -2

Top Pic : Stone (SH 6082 3217) with Moel Goedog in the distance .
Lower Pics : Stone (c) SH 6066 3203 and (d) SH 6093 3228
The Fonlief Hir track way indicated a safe route between the Coast and
Moel Goedog Hillfort .There are thirteen stones remaining .

Ref: 494.7.8

Date: 21/01/2022

Location: SH 6082 3217

Fonleif Hir Standing Stones -2

Top Pic : Stone (SH 6082 3217) with Moel Goedog in the distance .
Lower Pics : Stone (c) SH 6066 3203 and (d) SH 6093 3228
The Fonlief Hir track way indicated a safe route between the Coast and
Moel Goedog Hillfort .There are thirteen stones remaining .

Ref: 494.7.8

Date: 21/01/2022

Location: SH 6082 3217